D.O.A Pest Solutions What You Need to Know About Common Pests

The team at D.O.A. Pest Solutions believes that learning about the common pests found in your property enables you to deal with them efficiently. For this reason, we give you access to helpful information about various pests. In doing so, we hope to assist you in meeting your pest control needs.


American Cockroaches

As one of the fastest running insects, the American cockroaches can be difficult to remove from your property. Our team of experts puts to work our extensive industry experience and technical know-how to deal with these pests.


German Cockroaches

German cockroaches are about 1/8–1/5 inches in size. You can identify them easily because of the two distinctive stripes on their heads as well as their light brown color. One of the best ways of exterminating this type of cockroach is by utilizing a combination of pest control and sanitation services.

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Oriental Cockroaches

The oriental cockroach—also known as the waterbug or black beetle—can be found in all parts of the United States. Incapable of flight, these insects are usually crawling in areas with high levels of moisture such as damp basements and sewers. They feed on filth and other decaying matter, thus making them potential carriers of disease-causing bacteria. Allow our team to protect you by exterminating oriental cockroaches.

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Black Widow Spiders

Black widow spiders are considered venomous in North America. However, they only inject a small amount of venom that is usually not deadly to humans—especially adults.

Despite their reputation, black widow spiders are more likely to attempt to escape rather than bite you. However, they may become aggressive if they are protecting an egg mass or when backed into a corner or pressed.


Daddy Longlegs

Insects classified as daddy longlegs are fragile spiders with bodies that are 2–10 mm in length and legs that can be up to 50 mm long. When you hire us for pest control services, you can get rid of these spiders from your property entirely.


Bold or Daring Jumping Spiders

Bold jumping spiders or Phiddipus audax tends to hunt in relatively open areas since they seek and stalk prey actively, and they do not build webs to catch food. They do use spider silk when laying eggs and hiding from predators. These spiders are good to have in your home because they are not harmful to people but are deadly to other insects.


Argentine Ants

Argentine ants can easily squeeze through cracks and holes that are no more than one millimeter (0.039 in) in size. They can establish their colonies in the ground, cracks in concrete walls, spaces between boards and timbers as well as among your belongings.

new fire ants

California Fire Ants

California fire ants tend to sting humans while infesting homes. You can count on us to put our expertise to work to exterminate these insects.


Bed Bugs

The first thing to look for during a suspected infestation of bed bugs, is to look for blood stains on bedding, and pillow cases. If you see blood stains and unexplained bites on your arms and upper torso, chances are you have bed bugs.

Bedbugs are normally active just before dawn, with a peak feeding period about an hour before sunrise. However, they may attempt to feed at other times, given the opportunity, and have been observed to feed at any time of the day.


American Cockroaches

As one of the fastest running insects, the American cockroaches can be difficult to remove from your property. Our team of experts puts to work our extensive industry experience and technical know-how to deal with these pests.


German Cockroaches

German cockroaches are about 1/8–1/5 inches in size. You can identify them easily because of the two distinctive stripes on their heads as well as their light brown color. One of the best ways of exterminating this type of cockroach is by utilizing a combination of pest control and sanitation services.

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Oriental Cockroaches

The oriental cockroach—also known as the waterbug or black beetle—can be found in all parts of the United States. Incapable of flight, these insects are usually crawling in areas with high levels of moisture such as damp basements and sewers. They feed on filth and other decaying matter, thus making them potential carriers of disease-causing bacteria. Allow our team to protect you by exterminating oriental cockroaches.

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Black Widow Spiders

Black widow spiders are considered venomous in North America. However, they only inject a small amount of venom that is usually not deadly to humans—especially adults.

Despite their reputation, black widow spiders are more likely to attempt to escape rather than bite you. However, they may become aggressive if they are protecting an egg mass or when backed into a corner or pressed.


Daddy Longlegs

Insects classified as daddy longlegs are fragile spiders with bodies that are 2–10 mm in length and legs that can be up to 50 mm long. When you hire us for pest control services, you can get rid of these spiders from your property entirely.


Bold or Daring Jumping Spiders

Bold jumping spiders or Phiddipus audax tends to hunt in relatively open areas since they seek and stalk prey actively, and they do not build webs to catch food. They do use spider silk when laying eggs and hiding from predators. These spiders are good to have in your home because they are not harmful to people but are deadly to other insects.


Argentine Ants

Argentine ants can easily squeeze through cracks and holes that are no more than one millimeter (0.039 in) in size. They can establish their colonies in the ground, cracks in concrete walls, spaces between boards and timbers as well as among your belongings.

new fire ants

California Fire Ants

California fire ants tend to sting humans while infesting homes. You can count on us to put our expertise to work to exterminate these insects.


Bed Bugs

Black widow spiders are considered venomous in North America. However, they only inject a small amount of venom that is usually not deadly to humans—especially adults.

Despite their reputation, black widow spiders are more likely to attempt to escape rather than bite you. However, they may become aggressive if they are protecting an egg mass or when backed into a corner or pressed.

Handling Other Pests

D.O.A. Pest Solutions helps clients deal with various pantry pests, insects, and more on a daily basis. We offer solutions to help you get rid of the following:

  • Earwigs
  • Pill Bugs
  • Sow Bugs
  • Spider Mites
  • Fleas
  • Ticks
  • Crickets
  • Silverfish
  • Firebrats
  • Indian Meal Moths
  • Weevils
  • Pantry Pests